Godot Engine – Knox Game Design, July 2017

Discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Twitter Itch.io
Joe Miller http://doublesquarellc.com @DoubleSquareJoe https://doublesquare.itch.io
Dylan Wolf http://dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io

Godot Engine for Unity Developers Notes:

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Godot Engine - Knox Game Design, July 2017

RPG Maker – Knox Game Design, June 2017

Discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Twitter Itch.io
Dylan Wolf http://dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Joe Miller http://doublesquarellc.com @DoubleSquareJoe https://doublesquare.itch.io
Jake Gillenwater  http://jakegillenwater.me/

RPG Maker presentation slides by Dylan Wolf:

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
RPG Maker - Knox Game Design, June 2017

Spring ’17 Game Jam Entries – Knox Game Design, May 2017

Discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Twitter Itch.io
Dylan Wolf http://dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Ruth Ann Manning https://tranzeve.itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Joe Miller http://doublesquarellc.com @DoubleSquareJoe https://doublesquare.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Spring '17 Game Jam Entries - Knox Game Design, May 2017

PAX East Report – Knox Game Design, April 2017

Discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Twitter Itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Joe Miller http://doublesquarellc.com @DoubleSquareJoe https://doublesquare.itch.io
Dylan Wolf http://dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Ruth Ann Manning https://tranzeve.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
PAX East Report - Knox Game Design, April 2017

Structured Data Tool – Knox Game Design, March 2017

Discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Twitter Itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Dylan Wolf http://dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Nich Mebane http://nichmebane.com @Sweet_Niche https://sweet-niche.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Structured Data Tool - Knox Game Design, March 2017

Blender Cell Fracture, 6502 Assembly – Knox Game Design, February 2017

The video for the February 2017 online hangout is now available on YouTube.

There were audio recording issues for this hangout, but the level was fixed with Audacity’s features.  However, some echo still remains with part of the audio.

Links and Notes
Khufu’s Delivery Service on iOS – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/khufus-delivery-service/id1200188868?ls=1&mt=8
Khufu’s Delivery Service on Greenlight – http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=821814030
Frog model on Sketchfab – https://sketchfab.com/models/a1f3de599bb447efa31de73d8536268f
Prez NES – http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=15507
PAX East – http://east.paxsite.com/
GDC – http://www.gdconf.com/
GDC State of Game Industry 2017 – http://reg.techweb.com/GDCSF17-StateOfGame
Theme music – Ride by Pocketmaster

Host Info:
Levi D. Smith – Web – http://levidsmith.com Twitter – @GaTechGrad
Joe Miller – Web – http://doublesquarellc.com/ Twitter – @DoublesquareJoe

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Blender Cell Fracture, 6502 Assembly - Knox Game Design, February 2017

November 13th, 2016 Meetup and Website Updates

Knoxgamedesign.org Website Updates

Available now on the site is a new Community Forums section and a Directory of local game designers and related roles.  Please take a moment to check these new sections out and if so include, setup an account and add yourself to the Directory.  (note: if you already have an account because you helped test these features, first thank you, and second your account is still there but the forums were reset and the profile fields have changed, including making the Directory opt-in which is why you won’t see yourself listed at first.)

This Months Topic: Unity and GameMaker – Sunday Nov 13th, 2016 2PM

Last month we saw a pretty large turnout of new members and discussed in brief several game creation tools.  This month we’ll look a bit more into two of the more popular tools among meetup regulars: Unity and GameMaker.  If you’re an experienced user of one of the tools, come ready to show off a feature or two (plan on short, 15-20 minutes mini talks instead of a full hour long deep dive).  If you’re interested in using one of these tool, come ready with questions!

No December Meetup, Game Jam Instead

The game jam will be held December 9th – 12th, 2016.  More details to come as we get closer to the event, but know that we won’t be holding the regular meetup that weekend and instead meeting

Next Game Design Chat Podcast Game is Amnesia: The Dark Descent

This month’s game is Inside (available for Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One)

Hunted and alone, a boy finds himself drawn into the center of a dark project.

The podcast is recorded after the regular meetup ends.  Anyone is welcome to join the discussion with the only requirement being that you have played the game.  I highly recommend taking notes while playing so you have a good set of taking points for the podcast and have less of a chance of forgetting something!

You can check out all previous episodes at knoxgamedesign.org/podcast and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play or via the direct feed.

Location and Time

The meetup will be held at the Technology Cooperative located at 13 Emory Place, Knoxville TN.  Parking is available in front of the Technology Cooperative.  We start at 2PM and open with some roundtable discussion and a Show ‘n Tell where everyone can show a bit of their in progress game, favorite tool, mechanic they love in another game, or anything they find helpful and want to share with the group.

Game Design October Meetup – October 9th, 2016

This Months Topic: Open Discussion

This month is an open Q&A / Show’N Tell and we’ll talk about some of the changes happening at the website.

Next Game Jam Date Announced

The dates for the game jam have been announced – mark your calendars for December 9th – 12th, 2016.  More details to come as we get closer to the event.

Next Game Design Chat Podcast Game is Amnesia: The Dark Descent

This month’s game is Amnesia: The Dark Descent (available for Windows, Mac, and Linux)

Amnesia: The Dark Descent puts you in the shoes of Daniel as he wakes up in a desolate castle, barely remembering anything about his past. Exploring the eerie pathways, you must also take part of Daniel’s troubled memories. The horror does not only come from the outside, but from the inside as well. A disturbing odyssey into the dark corners of the human mind awaits.

The podcast is recorded after the regular meetup ends.  Anyone is welcome to join the discussion with the only requirement being that you have played the game.  I highly recommend taking notes while playing so you have a good set of taking points for the podcast and have less of a chance of forgetting something!

You can check out all previous episodes at knoxgamedesign.org/podcast and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play or via the direct feed.

Location and Time

The meetup will be held at the Technology Cooperative located at 13 Emory Place, Knoxville TN.  Parking is available in front of the Technology Cooperative.  We start at 2PM and open with some roundtable discussion and a Show ‘n Tell where everyone can show a bit of their in progress game, favorite tool, mechanic they love in another game, or anything they find helpful and want to share with the group.

Summer ’16 Game Jam Results – September 11th, 2016 Meetup

This Month’s Topic:  Game Jam Results

Last month was the game jam and we had seven(!) entries from members of Knoxville Game Design.  Join us this month as we share our entries and discuss what went right, what went wrong, and what was learned.

The theme was “Ancient Technology” and here are the games submitted:

Legend of the Psychedelic Skull by Paul & Marc

Watch the compass arrow, it will point towards the skull you need to pick up (if it points all the way up, you’ve already collected it)
Get past level 9 and………well, lets see what happens.


Orecka The Alien-Sweeper by Ruth Ann

The unexplainable complexity, size, and precision in constructing The Great Pyramid at Giza (completed around 2560 BC) has led some to conjecture that aliens had a hand in building the pyramids in Giza. This simple action game designed for my preschool grandchildren tests speed and reaction time as they help Orecka The Alien-Sweeper vacuum the Alien Building Supervisors away from the pyramids.


Clockwork Man by Jacob

A game about a clockwork man that fights of intruders.


Khufu’s Delivery Service by Joe

At KDS your job is to sort the incoming cut stone from the quarry for sending to the builders at Giza. Efficiency is the goal, sending a full load means less time wasted counting on the other end and a quicker turnaround for that team for you.
Oh, and the builders also offer a bonus for color-matching boards of any size, as it helps them utilize the stone quicker.
Keep the process flowing and everyone stays happy, got it?


Ancient Adventure by Levi

Find the eight ancient artifacts in the ruins to become the supreme being!


Retrofuture Archaeology by Dylan

Use the parts provided to activate the indicated devices.


Cave Escape by Mike, Rachel, and Hannah

The goal is to escape the cave you have found yourself in.


Next Game Design Chat Podcast Game is Barony: Cursed Edition

This month’s game is Barony: Cursed Edition (available for Windows, Mac, and Linux)

Barony is a 3D, first-person roguelike. The goal of the game is to descend to the bottom of a dark dungeon known as the Devil’s Bastion and destroy an undead lich named Baron Herx, who terrorized the peaceful town of Hamlet in life and is now harboring a curse against the land from beyond the grave. To aid you in your quest are friendly humans who have been eeking out a rough life within the dungeon for generations, as well as any friends you can bring with you in real life: Barony is the first of its kind as a first-person roguelike in that it fully supports cooperative multiplayer for up to four players.

The podcast is recorded after the regular meetup ends.  Anyone is welcome to join the discussion with the only requirement being that you have played the game.  I highly recommend taking notes while playing so you have a good set of taking points for the podcast and have less of a chance of forgetting something!

You can check out all previous episodes at knoxgamedesign.org/podcast and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play or via the direct feed.

Location and Time

The meetup will be held at the Technology Cooperative located at 13 Emory Place, Knoxville TN.  Parking is available in front of the Technology Cooperative.  We start at 2PM and open with some roundtable discussion and a Show ‘n Tell where everyone can show a bit of their in progress game, favorite tool, mechanic they love in another game, or anything they find helpful and want to share with the group.

Summer ’16 Game Jam: August 26th – 29th, 2016

It’s time for another game jam!  If you’ve been to a jam in the past, it will be very similar.

We will meet Friday August 26th @7PM at the Technology Cooperative – The game jam officially kicks off at 9PM when the game theme is announced.  This will be a good time for any last minute questions on the jam, software, or process you have for making your game.

From Friday until Sunday work on your game.  We won’t be keeping the Techco open the whole weekend for the jam.

We’ll share and recap our entries at the next meetup on September 11th, 2016.

Some Notes:

Your game does not need to be complex and you don’t need to spend every hour of the jam devoted to making the game.  Simple is better, and seeing friends and family is a good break to keep you fresh.  The goal is to finish, and the reward is having completed a game!  You can enter solo or as a team and parents, this is a great activity to do together with your kids.

What you should do before the jam:

  • Read over the rules of the game jam and decide if you’ll be doing the “compo” or “jam” version.
  • Get your development system ready to go – figure out what software you’ll be using and make sure it’s ready to go.
    A list of common tools others have used in the game jam is listed on the Tools page, and links from previous meetups can be found on our site.
  • Make an account on the game jam website
  • Make an account on Itch.io (optional, but great place to host your entry)
  • Check the game jam site to vote on themes
  • It’s common to live stream your game development – if you plan to do this then:
    • Setup a Twitch.tv account
    • Install Open Broadcaster Software – a free, open source app for live streaming
    • Test out Twitch and OBS (don’t wait to the jam to start learning about live streaming!)
  • It’s also common to make a timelapse video of your development, and there are some tools to help with this too.  Again, test this out on your system before the jam beings.