Overview of four types of curves that can be used in game development. Basic parabola for moving objects in an arc. Sine function for moving objects in a wave motion. Physics using velocity and acceleration for simulating actions such as jumping and falling. Bezier curve for moving objects along a curved path. Examples of functions for each curve type and how to calculate coordinates in a spreadsheet. Demonstration of how to implement each curve type in Monogame with C# and review of source code.
Spreadsheet – https://www.knoxgamedesign.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/curves.xlsx
Demo project – https://github.com/levidsmith/KnoxGameDesign/tree/master/curves/Curves
New Knox Games this Month
Flappy Brid Clone by Andy – https://www.cowell.org/~andy/unity/test/
Links and Notes
- GeoGebra – https://www.geogebra.org/
- GameDev.Net platformer jumping – https://www.gamedev.net/forums/topic/413885-platformer-jumping/
- Javascript.info Bezier curve – https://javascript.info/bezier-curve
- Building a better jump – https://archive.org/details/GDC2016Pittman
- Podcast theme music – Ride by Pocketmaster
