This month’s topic is SDL with C. Before Unity and GameMaker, there was the Simple Direct Media Layer. It can be used to create 2D and 3D games on a wide variety of platforms. C is still one of the most widely used programming languages. We will discuss how to get a simple game running in C using the SDL libraries.
This presentation covers the basics of the C programming language, how to compile a simple program with GCC, and an overview of data structures and pointers. We show how to create an SDL shooter game starting with getting a window to display, to adding a ship, bullets, and enemies.
Links and Notes
- SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) website –
- MinGW website –
- MinGW download mirror on SourceForge –
- SDL Shooter source code on GitHub –
- Drew Ragsdale (Retro Cemetery) games on Itchio –
- Drew’s GameMaker videos –
- Peach Jam –
- Theme music – Ride by Pocketmaster
Cyberspace Shootem up gameplay video by Drew
