Crowdfunding Your Game with Kickstarter – May 12th, 2013

The topic for our next meetup will be using Kickstarter to fund your game presented by Michael C. Neel:

Since the launch of Kickstarter, many projects have raised millions of dollars in funding. Beneath the headlines though lives a vibrant community of smaller projects getting the funds they need every day. Kickstarter’s all-or-nothing approach has unlocked a source of crowdfunding that anyone can use. Over 40,000 projects have been funded and the project success rate is above 40%. The question isn’t “can” I raise money on Kickstarter, but “how.”

Since February of 2011 I have been watching, tracking, and supporting projects on Kickstarter. I’ve noticed patterns in both successful and unsuccessful projects. In this session we’ll look at the lessons to be learned from previous projects, and cover:

  • Figuring out if a project is a good Kickstarter fit
  • Creating a welcoming pitch video
  • Choosing the right pledge levels and rewards
  • Raising awareness of your project
  • A deeper look at Kickstarter statistics

About Michael C. Neel

Michael is a passionate developer who has written code for web, desktop, mobile, and games. With his co-founders at FuncWorks he hosts GameMarx, a weekly podcast for indie and hobby level game developers and operates – a central source for XBLIG news and reviews from more than 10 gaming websites and a full database of all XBLIG games. FuncWorks is currently working on games targeting the Xbox and PC platforms.

Michael is a regular speaker at developer conferences and has been awarded Microsoft MVP twice. He is the founder of CodeStock, an annual developers conference in Knoxville,TN and a co-founder of the Technology Cooperative to create a technology-focused community providing technology access and awareness to all. Proud father of three amazing daughters, Rachel, Hannah, and Jasmine. Loving husband to Cicelie who inflates and pops his ego as necessary.  You can reach Michael through his person blog at or on twitter as @ViNull.