Doom Modding – Knox Game Design, December 2023

Overview of modding Doom with customized levels and graphics.

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Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Doom Modding - Knox Game Design, December 2023

Memory Card Game – Knox Game Design, November 2023

Explanation of design and implementation of card memory matching game in MonoGame.

Demo code –

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Memory Card Game - Knox Game Design, November 2023

Object Oriented GameMaker – Knox Game Design, October 2023

Presentation on how to apply object oriented principles to GameMaker to expand the variety of enemies and items in games.  Includes discussion of parenting of objects in GameMaker and how to inherit attributes and functions in children objects.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Object Oriented GameMaker - Knox Game Design, October 2023

OpCodes – Knox Game Design, September 2023

Overview of OpCodes and how those relate to video game consoles.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
OpCodes - Knox Game Design, September 2023

Character Encoding – Knox Game Design, August 2023

Overview of encoding characters and letters into their numerical and binary values. Explanation of how to use bitwise operators to change case of characters.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Character Encoding - Knox Game Design, August 2023

Grid Based Games – Knox Game Design, June 2023

Overview of grid based games and implementation of checkers in MonoGame/C#.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Grid Based Games - Knox Game Design, June 2023

Spring ’23 Game Jam entries

Shmup Game by kahootbird

Working menu, basic background. Throw the mail to the mailbox.

Air Delivery by Levi

Use your plane to deliver the packages to as many houses as possible. Watch out for the balloons, as they will damage your plane. Three hits and you are done. Packages can also be used to clear the balloons. But be careful, as you have a limited number of packages. Pick up a package refill to replenish the stock of packages on your plane.

Falling Blocks – Knox Game Design, April 2023

Walkthrough on how to create a basic falling block line clearing game using MonoGame.

Project code –

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Falling Blocks - Knox Game Design, April 2023