Game Design October Meetup – October 9th, 2016

This Months Topic: Open Discussion

This month is an open Q&A / Show’N Tell and we’ll talk about some of the changes happening at the website.

Next Game Jam Date Announced

The dates for the game jam have been announced – mark your calendars for December 9th – 12th, 2016.  More details to come as we get closer to the event.

Next Game Design Chat Podcast Game is Amnesia: The Dark Descent

This month’s game is Amnesia: The Dark Descent (available for Windows, Mac, and Linux)

Amnesia: The Dark Descent puts you in the shoes of Daniel as he wakes up in a desolate castle, barely remembering anything about his past. Exploring the eerie pathways, you must also take part of Daniel’s troubled memories. The horror does not only come from the outside, but from the inside as well. A disturbing odyssey into the dark corners of the human mind awaits.

The podcast is recorded after the regular meetup ends.  Anyone is welcome to join the discussion with the only requirement being that you have played the game.  I highly recommend taking notes while playing so you have a good set of taking points for the podcast and have less of a chance of forgetting something!

You can check out all previous episodes at and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play or via the direct feed.

Location and Time

The meetup will be held at the Technology Cooperative located at 13 Emory Place, Knoxville TN.  Parking is available in front of the Technology Cooperative.  We start at 2PM and open with some roundtable discussion and a Show ‘n Tell where everyone can show a bit of their in progress game, favorite tool, mechanic they love in another game, or anything they find helpful and want to share with the group.