Fall ’19 Game Jam Kickoff Meeting

We will be meeting at Panera Bread on North Peters Rd at 6pm Eastern Time on Friday October 4, 2019  for the Fall ’19 game jam kickoff.  Knoxville Game Design has been holding kickoff events for this weekend long game jam since 2013.  Numerous games have been created over the years by Knoxville developers for this event.  At the kickoff meeting, we will discuss our ideas and thoughts on the theme for the game jam.  This game jam will start and end three hours earlier at 6pm Eastern Time.  We will show off the games that we create on the monthly online podcast the following weekend (Sunday October 13, 2019 at 2pm).  We will also have Japanese games available for anyone interested in learning how to play Koi-Koi with hanafuda cards and mahjong.  For rules and more information on participating in the game jam, please see ldjam.com.